
Meeting Etiquette

Zoom links will be distributed via email.

When connecting to zoom, please note the following etiquettes:

  • mute your microphone on entry;
  • have the camera off if you are connecting as an individual;
  • have the camera on if you are connecting from a room system, and there are multiple people in the room; 
  • use the zoom chat feature for all feedback to the organizers/session during the sessions – someone will always be monitoring the chat
    • if you have problems such as not being able to hear the speaker or see the slides, etc.; 
    • questions or comments about the presentation – some of these may be saved for the Friday discussions
  • in a virtual meeting, it is even more important (than usual) to stick to your allocated time so everyone (including those not already connected) can rely on the schedule provided. The chairperson of the session reserves the right to stop you if you go over time.